Looking Forward in the Healthcare Job Market

Joe Weinlick
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Unlike many other industries, the healthcare field is booming, and the majority of available jobs are less likely to be outsourced. Half the battle is finding what kinds of healthcare jobs are available, and the other half is obtaining an interview and securing a position.

Because of the expanding necessity to fill healthcare jobs, this industry needs to keep professionals and recruit more personnel. As reported by U.S. News, the list of best healthcare jobs is topped by dentists, with nurse practitioners and pharmacists coming in second and third place, respectively. Rounding out the top 10 healthcare jobs are registered nurses, physical therapists, physicians, dental hygienists, physician assistants, occupational therapists and phlebotomists.

Overall, the common denominator in most specialized healthcare jobs involves one-on-one relationships with patients. If you thrive on personal interaction with patients, you can consider working as a clinical social worker or a marriage and family therapist. Moreover, home health aides and personal care aides are in high demand due to an increasingly expanding aging population that tends to prefer home health care to nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.

Alternatively, there are also healthcare jobs that have less focus on patient care and more emphasis on individualized work, such as clinical laboratory technicians, epidemiologists and medical equipment repairers. For those who are not inclined to go this route, alternate healthcare jobs to consider researching include massage therapy, substance abuse counseling or working as a medical secretary, a dietitian or a therapist. Whether your preference is to help patients with physical, mental or developmental disabilities directly or indirectly, job seekers need a great personality, high levels of motivation, a proven commitment to teamwork and a current portfolio of work or case samples.

Echoing this statement is a survey that includes prospective employer responses to hiring practices. Employers rank the candidates' cultural fit and personality as prerequisites in the hiring process. Furthermore, employers find the majority of their employment candidates through online job boards or from candidate responses to job opportunities posted on company websites as opposed to job referrals. This means that potential candidates need to network effectively, but more importantly, they need to use keyword-rich resumes on job boards to highlight the skills that they possess that reflect job requirements. Furthermore, candidates should not only discuss job skills, but also focus on team activities either through previous employment or through past volunteering activities in order to obtain an interview. Once you get your foot in the door and obtain the interview, let your personality, knowledge and motivation shine.

Healthcare jobs are everywhere, and availability is on the rise. To gain a position, potential candidates need to search online job boards, prove their job worthiness with a current work portfolio and have a great personality to thrive successfully in today's market for healthcare jobs.

(Photo courtesy of Melbourne the Photographer at Flickr.com)


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